Sobre el equipo investigador del ACP

Investigador principal

  • Dr. Juan Massó Bennásar (Catedrático de Universidad)


  • Dr. Antoni Luis Arbona Nadal (Personal Técnico, de Gestión y de Administración y Servicios)
  • Dr. Rodrigo Picos Gayá (Catedrático de Universidad)
  • Dr. Antonio Cerrato Casado (Profesor Ayudante Doctor)
  • Dr. Andreu Rigo Gost (Ayudante)
  • Dr. Joan Stela Fiol (Profesor Titular de Universidad)


  • Dr. Carles Bona Casas (Profesor Titular de Universidad)

Foto Joan Masso   Dr. Joan Massó  (cap del grup de recerca)  

Después de su Tesis Doctoral en Física por la Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB) de 1992, en donde publicó el primer código tridimensional abierto con una formulación hiperbólica de las Ecuaciones de Einstein, Joan Massó fue postdoctorando en 1993 en el National Center for Supercomputing Applications (Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA). En 1994, pasó a ser NCSA Research Scientist, enfocando su trabajo en simulaciones de agujeros negros, métodos numéricos avanzados y técnicas de supercomputación. De 1996 a 1999, fue investigador A1 y Czar de supercomputación en el Max Plank Institut für GravitationPhysik (Potsdam, Germany). Allí fue el co-creador the uno de los primeros y mas extensibles entornos abiertos de multifísica computacional (, base del Einstein Toolkit para aplicaciones en Relatividad Numérica. También fue Catedrático Visitante en Washington University (Saint Louis, USA). En 1999, Joan volvió a Mallorca como Profesor Titular de Física Teórica y coordinador de supercomputación de la UIB, en donde fue el promotor del primer cluster HPC beowulf de España en un proyecto conjunto con IBM. También fue el principal asesor tecnológico del Govern Balear de 1999 a 2000. En el año 2000, fundó Gridsystems, que llegó a ser una de las compañías europeas pioneras en el desarrollo y comercialización de middleware de Grid Computing. Fué el arquitecto de Innergrid, ganadora de un premio IST 2003, y su evolución en Fura, un middleware general de código abierto para clouds privados, con clientes en finanzas, salud, telecomunicaciones y otras industrias. Como CEO de Gridsystems, fue responsable de un equipo de 40 personas e involucró a la compañía en 6 proyectos europeos de investigación FP6 y 3 CENIT con un presupuesto total de más de 160 millones de euros. En 2010, Joan se reincorporó a tiempo completo a la UIB. Participa activamente en Simflowny, una plataforma abierta y extensible para la simulación y el modelaje científico, que genera automáticamente código paralelo capaz de prestaciones exaescala. Joan tiene una amplia experiencia en muchas áreas de la tecnología, así como en emprendimiento y crecimiento corporativo. Mentoriza startups y es consejero de varias compañías de Capital Riesgo.  Ha publicado docenas de artículos científicos y capítulos de libros, con mas de 3000 citas. Su trabajo ha sido portada de las revistas Science, Computer y Physics World y tiene publicados 6 artículos en la prestigiosa revista Physical Review Letters. Actualmente, sus asignaturas docentes son: Física Asistida por Ordenador (con Python), Relatividad y Cosmología, Computación Distribuida (con Julia) y Elementos de Relatividad Numérica. Desde 2018, es el responsable del grupo del ACP (física computacional avanzada) del departamento de física de la UIB.


Foto Joan Josep Cerdà   Dr. Joan Josep Cerdà

M.S. Physics 1998,  M.S. Chemistry 2003 with  first class honours distinction award (Premio Extraordinari de Llicenciatura), and  Ph.D. Physics September 2005 at the University of the Balearic Islans (UIB).  Postdoctoral stay in Germany (03/2006-09/2010): 37 months at Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) [Junior Fellow, Postdoc del MEC, Contrato FECYT], and 19 months in the Institute for Computational Physics (Univ. Stuttgart). In October 2010 I came back to UIB  combining both research and educational duties: first as “Profesor Ayudante Doctor”, then as postdoc from the CAIB, and since 09/2016 as “Profesor Contratado Doctor Interino”. ANECA certification for PCD position in 2009, and for “Titular de Universidad” since 2015. I have been involved in 9 research projects, and director of a Master thesis and two final year degree project.  I have been expert reviewer for the Research Council KU Leuven (Belgium) and referee of several top journals: Langmuir, Macromolecules, Chem. Letters, Macromolecular Theory and Simulations, JAC,  EPJ-E and JMMM. As a lecturer I have imparted more than 1900 hours at university level and published one book about differential equations (Ed. Síntesis).  My main fields of research are the physics of polymers and colloids, as well as the rheology and tribology of those systems. In addition, I also do research in biophysics, and the design of new optimized algorithms for long-ranged forces. I am an expert on Monte Carlo, Langevin and Multi Particle Collision Dynamics, as well as in atomistic simulations. 

Foto Carles Bona-Casas Dr. Carles Bona-Casas

 I was awarded with a FPU grant by the spanish ministry to pursue my PhD in the field of numerical relativity at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) within a PhD programme with a quality seal from the spanish quality agency ANECA. I developed an efficient high resolution numerical method showing its superior performance in relativity, fluid dynamics and magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The method allowed me to successfully perform numerical simulations of black holes with a formalism that provides gravitational wave patterns with unprecedented precision, improving the existing formalisms by at least an order of magnitude. I did a research stay at the Max-Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Germany where I co-wrote a book about numerical relativity and relativistic MHD, which is in its 2nd edition. I was awarded with a Marie Curie ITN postdoctoral contract at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) where I supervised 1 master student and 2 PhD students and I broadened my numerical expertise becoming experienced in agent based and Lattice-Boltzmann methods by performing numerical biomedical simulations of fluid and solid mechanics corroborated against experiments. I also collaborated in establishing the paradigm of distributed multiscale computing, bridging the fields of high performance computing and multiscale applications. There I participated in 3 european projects. I also led the writing of a successful european project proposal (SOPHOCLES) that became funded, establishing a collaboration between the UvA and the UIB. Moreover, I obtained computing time in supercomputers such as SuperMUC (fastest supercomputer in Europe at the time). I was then hired as postdoctoral researcher at the University of A Coruña under the ERC Starting Grant MuSIC (Modelling and Simulation in Cancer) led by Dr. Hector Gomez. I supervised 2 PhD students and gained expertise in the bourgeoning field of isogeometric analysis (IGA) and variational multiscale (VMS) methods performing fluid-solid interaction (FSI) simulations aimed at modelling microcirculation and complex fluids. I am then hired as a lecturer (Prof. Ayudante Doctor) in Medical Physics at the physics department of the UIB, where I teach degrees as diverse as industrial engineering, construction, and food and agriculture engineering adding to my experience in teaching in civil engineering and physics degrees. I establish there a collaboration with medical doctors to study blood flow in aortic and cardiac valve scenarios with magnetic ressonance imaging, discovering the importance of cardiac pulsatility in wall shear stress measurements (invited talk on the subject, article to follow). I become member of the IDISBA (Institute of sanitary research of the Balearic Islands) in the cardiology group and also member of the IAC3 (Institute of Applied Computing and Community Code). I become PI of a research project to perform numerical simulations of the glycocalyx and I am granted access to MareNostrum4 (Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, Red Española de Supercomputación) through project FI-2018-1-0026 Divergence-conforming splines in microvascular fluid-structure interaction with 700.000 core-hours, of which I am Principal Investigator. I am currently working on divergence-free discretiation techniques with isogeometric analysis, which will be very useful to exactly fulfill the incompressibility constraint in FSI simulations.

Foto Antonio CerratoDr. Antonio Cerrato

During my research career, my work has been focused on different problems related to computational modelization of wave propagation phenomena in elastic solids, acoustics, and surface water-waves. Among the main achievements during my Ph.D. there is the formulation and implementaton of partitioned solutons strategies for fluid-structure interacton (SII) problems. Besides that, I have developed a complete fundamental solution for wave propagation in media with non-constant wave-number. In additon, I have worked on the spectral elements in a coupled BeEM-SEM formulation for surface water-wave propagation over variable bathymetries. The main techniques that I have used during my thesis are the boundary element method (BeEM), the finite element method (SEM) and the spectral element method (IEM). Since I have finished my thesis in October 2016, I have been working as a post-doctoral researcher at the CITBe. During this time,  I  have been responsible for the development of a complete procedure for the determinaton of the mechanical propertes of multilayered soils. This procedure is based on the spectral analysis of surface waves (IAI). To implement this technique,  I have been working on the design of the experimental tests, the signal processing, a numerical model based on a complex Green’s function and the solution of the inverse problem. I have programmed the scientfc code myself, combining Python and FORTRAN and using libraries as ATLAI or Icipy. Moreover, as a staff member of the Department of Mechanics of Contnuous Media and structural Analysis of the University of Seville, I have had the rewarding experience of teaching undergraduate students.


Dr. Rodrigo Picos Gayá

Dr. Rodrigo Picos

Rodrigo Picos (S'98) was born in Palma, Spain, in 1973. He received the Bachelor, Master,and Ph.D. degrees in physics from the University of Balearic Islands, Spain, in 1996, 1998 and 2006, respectively.

Since 2002, he has been teaching Electronics in the Department of Physics, University of Balearic Islands, Spain. He is currently Associate Professor of the Physics Department. His research interests include: design, test and diagnosis of integrated circuits and systems (analog, mixed-signal, RF), device modeling, and electronic instrumentation. He is actively involved in educational and research projects and he is the author or co-author of more than 50 scientific papers in international journals and conference proceedings.

Dr. Picos is a member of the Spanish Physics Society, and a Senior member of the IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS).

 Imatgfe Antoni Arbona    Dr. Antoni Arbona

 Dr. Arbona got is Master in Physics in 1995 and PhD in Compute Physics in 2000, he is also a software engineer since 2013. Since 2007 he collaborates with the IAC3, Institute of Computational Applications, a research institute of the University of the Balearic Islands, where he has coordinated European and national projects (see list below): Dr. Arbona was the vice-director of the institute from 2009 till 2016. He has been also technical director of the Grid Systems enterprise (2000-2009), in that position he was granted 6 projects of the VI European framework program, and 9 national projects (including 3 CENIT projects). He has been also the european project manager of the Pompeu Fabra University in the years 2009-2010. Currently he is the head of service (Jefe de Servicio) at the University of the Balearic Islands. He is reviewer, among other journals, of the International Journal for Numerical methods in biomedical engineering, the Entropy journal, and the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. He has participated in the international team that created the Cactus code for numerical relativity in 1999, one of the first simulation frameworks for the multipurpose simulation. In the company GridSystems, he was the director of 12 engineers and doctors that developed
the Grid Fura middleware. In the IAC3 he has directed the software team that created and developed the simulation platform Simflowny. He is author of 18 publications in international peer-reviewed journals in the areas of Medical Physics, Statistical Mechanics, Software Engineering, and general relativity. His h-index is 12, i-10=14, and he has got more than 314 cites. Among other merits, he has exerted as expert of the European Commission for the evaluation of proposals in the VII EU-framework (calls 2009, 2013, 2014 and 2015).