Publicaciones en revistas
- A. Romero; J. González; R. Picos; M.J. Deen; J.A. Jiménez-Tejada, "Evolutionary parameter extraction for an organic TFT compact model including contact effects", "Organic Electronics", 2018. Artículo.
- Mohamad Moner Al Chawa, Carol de Benito, Rodrigo Picos, "A Simple Piecewise Model of Reset/Set Transitions in Bipolar ReRAM Memristive Devices", "Ieee Transactions On Circuits And Systems i-Regular Papers", 2018. Artículo.
- V. Azeñas; J. Cuxart; R. Picos; H. Medrano; G. Simó; A. López-Grifol; J. Gulías, "Thermal regulation capacity of a green roof system in the Mediterranean region: The effects of vegetation and irrigation level.", "Energy and Buildings", Volumen 164, Páginas 226-238, 2018. Artículo.
- Al Chawa MM; Picos R; Roldan JB; Jimenez-Molinos F; Villena MA; de Benito C, "Exploring resistive switching based memristors in the charge-flux domain, a modeling approach", "International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications", Volumen 46, Número 1, Páginas 29-38, 2018. Artículo.
- Dmitry A. Rozhkov; Elena S. Pyanzina; Ekaterina V. Novak; Joan J. Cerdá; Tomás Sintes; Michela Ronti; Pedro A. Sánchez; Sofia S. Kantorovich, "Self-assembly of polymer-like structures of magnetic colloids: Langevin dynamics study of basic topologies", "Molecular Simulation", Volumen 44, Número 6, Páginas 507-515, 2018. Artículo.
- Marconi, Mathias ; Javaloyes, Julien ; Hamel, Philippe ; Raineri, Fabrice ; Levenson, Ariel ; Yacomotti, Alejandro M., "Far-from-Equilibrium Route to Superthermal Light in Bimodal Nanolasers", "Physical Review X", Volumen 8, Número 1, Páginas 011013-011022, 2018. Artículo.
- C. Schelte ; J. Javaloyes ; S. V. Gurevich, "Functional mapping for passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers", "Optics Letters", Volumen 43, Número 11, Páginas 2535-2538, 2018. Artículo.
- Hendry, Ian ; Chen, Wei ; Wang, Yadong ; Garbin, Bruno ; Javaloyes, Julien ; Oppo, Gian-Luca ; Coen, Stéphane ; Murdoch, Stuart G. ; Erkintalo, Miro, "Spontaneous symmetry breaking and trapping of temporal Kerr cavity solitons by pulsed or amplitude-modulated driving fields", "Physical Review A", Volumen 97, Número 5, Páginas 053834-053842, 2018. Artículo.
- Schelte, C. ; Javaloyes, J. ; Gurevich, S. V., "Dynamics of temporally localized states in passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers", "Physical Review A", Volumen 97, Número 5, Páginas 053820-053835, 2018. Artículo.
- Pimenov, A. ; Javaloyes, J. ; Gurevich, S. V. ; Vladimirov, A. G., "Light bullets in a time-delay model of a wide-aperture mode-locked semiconductor laser", "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A-Mathemat", Volumen 376, Número 2124, 2018. Artículo.